Celebrate Easter at New Story

Sunday, April 20 @ 8:30, 9:45, & 11am

Join us for one of our three services, which will include worship, the Gospel message, donuts, and lots of fun to celebrate that He is Risen! 

Easter Weekend

Easter Sunday at New Story

On Easter, we celebrate the greatest day in history, the day Jesus rose from the grave! We’d love for you and your friends and family to experience the joy, community, and hope of Easter with us!

PLUS donuts, coffee & tea, and a family photo booth! 

All services will be identical, with New Story Kids for ages 0-5th grade. Middle school will be offered during 9:45am service only.

Service Times
8:30AM | 9:45AM | 11AM

Seating is limited, so please RSVP so we can save a seat & some treats for you!

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Each service will go for about an hour and include music, a short message, and an activity pack for kids who wish to stay in the service.

    We’ll have coffee, tea, donuts, and a family photo opportunity available in the tent before and after each service.

  • Your little people are a BIG part of our church. Plan on showing up a couple of minutes early to register them and help them get settled in. We suggest filling in the Plan Your Visit form so we are ready for you.

    During all 3 services, we have engaging, age-appropriate spaces & lessons for your kiddos, newborn to 5th grade.

    We’ll have class for middle schoolers during the 2nd (9:45am) service.

    Register Kids Ahead of Time

  • We are pretty casual around here so you may notice more jeans and sweaters than dresses and suits but, you are welcome to come as you feel comfortable!

  • Our address is 110 Valley Park Road, Phoenixville, PA, 19460. You’ll find us on the corner of Whitehorse Road and Valley Park Road.

    Fun fact: the entrance is actually around the back. There will be signs pointing you in the right direction.

  • Definitely. We will livestream our 9:45am service to Youtube.

    The service will also be available to watch on-demand after the livestream ends (around 11am).

    Stream on Youtube

Journey to the Cross

Friday, April 18, 1-8pm & Saturday, April 19, 9am-2pm

Journey to the Cross is a self-led interactive and engaging walk through of the Easter Story! Plan to spend between 20-30 minutes walking through each station with your family. This event is perfect for all ages.

Kids Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, April 19, 10AM

Come search for over 3000 eggs at our annual egg hunt, which is open to kids ages 0 to 11! Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to join in on the fun!

Easter Weekend Events.

Easter Weekend Events.

Prepare your heart and your mind for Easter. Follow along with us through the season of Lent with our daily reading plan.

Lent Reading Plan

“God’s Good Plan” is a devotional written by our very own New Story Kids Director, Betsey Iannarelli. In it, you’ll find 5 short devotionals, along with Scripture readings, discussion prompts, a guided prayer, and a family activity.

Family Easter Devotional