A Place Called Church

This week, we are kicking off a series called, A Place Called Church. For the next month, we'll be seeding our minds with Biblical stories and images so that they might take root in us and give us God's vision for what this place called "church" could be.

Week 1: Created to Worship. Genesis 1-2

If we want to capture a vision of who we could be, we need to make sure we're clear on who we were created to be. This week, we are kicking off a series called, A Place Called Church. For the next month, we'll be seeding our minds with Biblical stories and images so that they might take root in us and give us God's vision for what this place called "church" could be. This week, we'll start at the beginning. Literally. In this message, we'll explore the foundational narrative for understanding who I am, why I’m here, why there is something rather than nothing. In Hebrew, it's simply named for the first line of the book, "In the beginning." We know it as Genesis.

Week 2: Why go to church? Exodus & Acts

We're in a series called, A Place Called Church. For the next month, we'll be seeding our minds with Biblical stories so that they might take root in us and give us God's vision for what this place called "church" could be. This week, we'll ask the question that many have been asking: Why go to church at all? Why do we gather? Is it really necessary to have a place called church?

Week 3: A Sabbath House. Psalm 92

Psalm 92 is a song "for the Sabbath." God's People have been singing it for 1000s of years. It's a song that invites us to step out of slavery, out of chronic busyness, and out of this world of anxiety and into a place called Sabbath. This week, we are going to listen carefully to this song and explore what it might look like for this place called church to become a Sabbath House: a place of deep play, rest, delight, and renewal in the midst of a chronically anxious and busy world.

Week 4: Life Together: the Trinity, a Body, & 1982. 1 John 4 & Romans 12.

Committed, self-giving relationships are the stuff of life. They are the soil in which we are designed to flourish & bear much fruit. But, they can also be the worst. They can feel like death. In this message, we're going to explore how God uses committed, self-giving relationships in this place called church to grow you and fulfill His mission. 1 John 4 & Romans 12.

Week 5: You are God's Temple. 1 Corinthians 3:16.

The Apostle Paul says: "You are God's Temple." Of course, the only problem with this is that you & I have precisely zero experience with temples. How can we possibly be God’s Temple, if we have no idea what a temple is or does? In this message, we're going to try to fix this problem. We're going to explore what God's Temple is and was so that we can begin to become who we are called to be in this place called Church.


Ephesians: Rooted In Love


Parables: The Stories Jesus Told