Jesus & Technology


Week 1: Six Questions You Need to Ask About the Technology You Use

We are living in the midst of a digital revolution. Technology is rapidly changing the way we think and behave and relate to one another. In this message, we introduce six questions that we need to ask of every technology we use. The questions revolve around how technologies affect: Attention, Limits, Engagement, Relationships, Time, and Space, which just happen to spell the word, ALERTS.

Week 2: Jesus and Technology: Part 2. Deuteronomy 6.

Has technology become too precious in your home? In this timely message, we discuss the glowing blue elephant in our homes: technology, and ask a very simple yet critical question: "does it consume more of your time, money and thoughts than God does?" If so, don't despair or start pouring water over your devices. We'll see that what we really need is perspective, wisdom and discernment, not fear or judgement.


Jacob: Wrestling with God

