More Than Sex

Week 1: Biblical Sex Ed 101

In the Scriptures, we find a perspective on sex that is vastly different than you see in the media. A perspective that won’t let us get away with some puritanical repression of sex nor will it let us get away with the self-indulgent, consumeristic, individualistic, animalistic view of sex embraced in the Western world today. It's a perspective worth trying out.

Week 2: Biblical Sex Ed (Part 2)

Because sex is so great, it has the potential to be truly wretched. It can draw people together, create new life, and allow us to reflect the image of God in a way that few other things can. Or, it can tear us apart, hurt us at the deepest levels, and dehumanize us in a way that almost nothing else can. In this message, we look at this paradox of sex.

Week 3: Prostitutes, Jesus, & the Members of My Body

What does having Jesus in my heart have to do with what I have in my pants? Or, better: How does giving my life to Jesus affect how I give myself sexually to others? In 1st Corinthians 6, the Apostle Paul addresses these very questions.

Week 4: Marital Sex or The Lack Thereof

What happens when two very different, very broken people come together in marital sex?

Week 5: Seven Questions To Ask Before Getting Married

Marriage is a beautiful thing but God has not called all people to it nor are all people ready for it right now. What important things must believers ask themselves before marriage? How might this affect how Christians view the values of both marriage and singleness in their walk with Christ? Find out in part five of this series on relationships and sexuality.

Week 6: Divorce and Remarriage

What does the Bible have to say about divorce? Is remarriage ever tenable on the grounds of the Scripture? How can we navigate these issues with truth and grace? Find out in part six of this series on relationships and sexuality.

Week 7: Sexual Identity, Clobber Versus, and Jesus

How does a Christian properly form his/her identity? How does one navigate the challenging issues with sexual identity and culture? How can the church become a place for people to wrestle and yet remain firm on God's design for sex? Find out in part seven of this series on relationships and sexuality.




A Beautiful Mess