Finding Your Place In God’s Story: The Book of Ruth

Week 1: Call Me Bitter: Learning to Pray Our Complaints. Ruth 1

How do I find my place in the story of God? In the Book of Ruth, an impoverished, hurting, broken old widow named Naomi shows us an unlikely way to get in on God's Story: by bitterly complaining. If you've ever felt like God has disappointed you or like God is against you, Naomi might help you find your way into God's Story too.

Call Me Bitter: Learning to Pray Our Complaints. Ruth 1
Paul D. Anderson

Week 2: The Risky and Risqué Story of Ruth. Ch 2 3

Ruth doesn't fit our mold for greatness. She's an impoverished, powerless, voiceless, immigrant widow. But, somehow this woman finds her way into the very heart of God's story. Her little story becomes part of God's epic story. Her name will forever be spoken with names like Moses and David... and Jesus. How? How do normal people like Ruth (like you & me) get in on this vast, epic, beautiful story of God? Parental Guidance Suggested. This passage does include some adult themes. If your kids are listening in, you might want to skip the part where Ruth starts "uncovering feet."

The Risky and Risqué Story of Ruth. Ch 2 3
Paul D. Anderson

Week 3: Boaz and Jesus Paying the Price to Get What Money Cannot Buy. Ruth 3-4

At some point, God is going to drop an opportunity at your feet. It will be an opportunity to take on new levels of responsibility, to really make a difference in someone else's life. But it will be costly. It will require you to commit. And, it might impact your lifestyle. It might take away your freedom. It might hurt you financially. What are you going to do? What story are you going to live?

Boaz and Jesus Paying the Price to Get What Money Cannot Buy. Ruth 3-4
Paul D. Anderson


Ephesians: Walk Worthily (Part 2)


What Story Are You Living?