When You Pray

In the first century, everyone prayed. Being religious was good for business and good for your social standing, so one might be tempted to pray to impress or get ahead in life. In our day, things are different. Our great temptation is not to pray for the wrong reasons. Our great temptation is to not pray.

Week 1: When You (Don't) Pray. Matthew 6:5-8

In the first century, everyone prayed. Being religious was good for business and good for your social standing, so one might be tempted to pray to impress or get ahead in life. In our day, things are different. Our great temptation is not to pray for the wrong reasons. Our great temptation is to not pray.

Week 2: The Starting Point of Prayer. Matthew 6:9

The starting point of prayer is not confession or worship or requests or theological understanding. The starting point is relationship. In this message, we explore what it looks for us to come to God as "Our Father."

Our Father in Heaven: A Guided Daily Prayer Exercise

For those in search of a bit of help, here's a short, guided prayer exercise to practice this week.

Week 3: The Way You Pray Can Change the Course of Your Life. Matthew 6:9

When we pray, Jesus teaches us to pray that God would align our lives with Him. Prayer itself becomes an opportunity to make course corrections in the way we are thinking, feeling, and living. This week, we'll explore how "hallowing God's name" can change the whole course of your life.

Hallowed be Your Name: A Guided Daily Prayer Exercise

For those in search of a bit of help, here's a short guided prayer exercise to practice this week.

Week 4: The Secret of God's Kingdom. Matthew 6:9-10

“Your kingdom come.” It’s only three words. Simple. Deceivingly simple. But do you know what you are praying for when you pray these words?

Your Kingdom Come: A Guided Daily Prayer Exercise

For those in search of a bit of help, here's a short guided prayer exercise to practice this week.

Week 5: Finding Freedom in God's Will. Romans 6:16-23

In this message, we explore one of the great paradoxes from Jesus's teaching: If you seek limitless freedom, you will become enslaved to your own choices. But, if you seek God's will over your own, you will find true freedom.

Your Will Be Done: A Guided Daily Prayer Exercise

For those in search of a bit of help, here's a short guided prayer exercise to practice this week.

Week 6: Does Praying Really Make Any Difference? Matthew 6:11

We pray "Thy will be done." And then we proceed to tell God everything we want Him to do. If God is going to do what He wants, why should we tell Him what we want? In this message, we'll explore the age old question: Why pray? Do our prayers really make any difference?

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread: A Guided Daily Prayer Exercise

For those in search of a bit of help, here's a short guided prayer exercise to practice this week.

Week 7: How to Experience Forgiveness. Matthew 6:12

What does it mean to confess our sins and to forgive the sins of others? How are they tied together? We explore the answers to these questions as we examine Jesus's words in Matthew 6:12.

Forgive us our Debts: A Guided Daily Prayer Exercise

For those in search of a bit of help, here's a short guided prayer exercise to practice this week.

Week 8: Becoming Resilient in a Fragile World. Matthew 6:13

We live in a world that is increasingly fragile. How do we become the kind of people who are resilient, the kind of people who do not collapse under pressure?

Lead Us Not Into Temptation: A Guided Daily Prayer Exercise

For those in search of a bit of help, here's a short guided prayer exercise to practice this week.


New Life


The Book of Judges