At the Intersection of Wonder + Beauty

Week 1: Delight - Why you need more of it & where to seek it

From page one of the Scriptures, we find that delight is more than a nice feeling. It's the stuff of life. It feeds our love and fuels our passion. It covers over a multitude of sins and heals our wounds. It gives us a reason to get out of bed in the morning and a reason to push through hardship. In this message, we talk about why we all need more of it and where to start seeking it out.

Delight - Why you need more of it & where to seek it
Paul D. Anderson

Week 2: Invisible Walls - What's holding you back?

If we'd all like more delight in our lives, why is it so rare? In this message, we explore how our perspective, our priorities, and other people all shape (& mishape) our capacity for delight. Matthew 26:6-13

Invisible Walls - What's holding you back?
Paul D. Anderson

Week 3: Becoming Aware of God's Presence Amidst Ever-Present Distractions. Luke 10:38-42

We are the most distracted people in the history of the world. Distractions not only increase our anxiety and get in the way of real relationships, they diminish our capacity for delight. In this message, we talk about moving from distracted to aware, from absent to full present, and from anxiety to delight.

Becoming Aware of God's Presence Amidst Ever-Present Distractions
Paul D. Anderson

Week 4: What God Sees in People

According to the Scriptures, our ability to experience the wonder & beauty of life is directly related to how we see other people. In this message, we explore what it looks like to see what God sees in people through the story of the Good Samaritan.

What God Sees in People
Paul D. Anderson

Week 5: Good is the Enemy of Great. Luke 14:15-24

We are created to be with God and to delight in Him. In the Scriptures, this is portrayed as a great feast. In this message, we'll discuss how we can make sure the good things in life don't keep us from the great feast.

Good is the Enemy of Great
Paul D. Anderson

Week 6: Celebration is a Spiritual Discipline

Celebration is commanded by God. In the Old Testament, God demanded that His People shape their lives around massive, sensual, expensive, crowded feasts. This Sunday, we are going to finish our series on delight by exploring how God uses the spiritual discipline of celebration to deepen our capacity for delight in Him, others, and life.

Celebration is a Spiritual Discipline
Paul D. Anderson


Who Am I Becoming?

