What Christians

Ought to Believe

What Christians Ought to Believe Course

Modern Christianity is often more known for its differences of practice and persuasion than what we share in common. But what is it that connects you to a Christian who lived 2,000, 1,900, or 1,800 years ago? What is the essential core of Christianity?

In the What Christians Ought to Believe Course, we'll use the Apostles' Creed as an entryway to explore and understand the essential teachings and beliefs of the Christian faith across time and place, delineating what Christians ought to affirm about God, Jesus, the church, and the life to come.

What Christians Ought to Believe will be held on Sunday mornings during the 10:45am service, starting April 14.

Please register.

For more information, email David Bahbah: david@newstorychurch.life