I want to know more

Maybe you grew up going to church. Or at some time began a Bible-reading plan that fizzled. Either way, it’s important your core beliefs be rooted in Scripture, rather than speculation or tradition. 

Jesus said we should love God with our minds. This suggests that Christ-followers need a steady diet of content that will stimulate a vibrant, life-changing faith.

Even though the Bible is compiled of numerous stories, there’s one over-arching story that God wants you to know.

Spoiler alert: Jesus is the point. And what better way to grow in your faith than to refresh and remind you of the Biblical Jesus. Not the one culture - or your mind - makes up.

Before you delve back in to reading and reflecting on Scripture, gain some background of the Bible. Here is a series of short, clever videos from the Bible Project. Go nuts.

Some Suggested Reading Plans

  • Here is a 30-day reading plan on Jesus – all Jesus.

  • The Essential 100 Challenge (E100) helps you get an overview of the Bible - without getting bogged down. The Plan guides you through 50 Old Testament passages and 50 New Testament passages — The Essential 100 — so you can see the big picture of God’s Word, and form a daily Bible reading habit in the process. Check it out here.

  • Various length reading plans on books of the Bible designed for Women – SheReadsTruth 

  • Various length reading plans on books of the Bible designed for men - HeReadsTruth 

  • Explore many more plans here.