Use this handy guide to help you take your next step.
Whether you grew up going to church or have never stepped foot in a church; we want to meet you where you’re at and help you take the next step.
The Bible can be super scary if you’ve never read it before. And being new to anything feels daunting - even more so when that something holds such significant for your life.
So where do you even begin?
Jesus said we should love God with our minds. This suggests that Christ-followers need a steady diet of content that will stimulate a vibrant, life-changing faith.
Even though the Bible is compiled of numerous stories, there’s one over-arching story that God wants you to know.
Followers of Jesus are to be doers of the Word – not hearers only (James 1:22).
You can know the Bible back and forth, but if you are not doing what it says, you’re missing the point.